5 things to do before Christmas - in November

1 November 2018

1. Check your Christmas outfits

By now the shops will have beautiful clothes for Christmas, so it is a good idea to plan what you and your family will be wearing, and whether you need to get any new clothes. Check if you need new tights, shoes or accessories. Each year I buy the kids new Christmas pajamas that they receive on the night before Christmas. These will also be stocked in the shops now.

2. Decorate and hang the advent calendar.

There are so much inspiration for how to create a beautiful advent calendar. I always make the frame out of things I find in nature.  The presents need to be wrapped and numbered according to dates. If you are doing an activity calendar like us, it is a good idea to have a list of the activities you have planned written down, so you won’t be surprised on the day.

3. Buy presents (online?)

Buy the perfect gift for everyone on your list. Last year I think I bought 90 % of the gifts online. It is so much easier than joining the queues in stores. Also it makes it easier to keep track of your budgets.

4. Get a jump-start on holiday wrapping

Buying presents early also means that you can start packing them early. When you are wrapping presents, make sure you don’t wrap too many presents in one go. At least for me, the longer I do it, the less I enjoy it, and the sloppier my wrapping will be.
I put a post-it-note with the content in the gift (which I of course remove before giving it). I have had times, where I have wondered whether I had mislaid certain presents and have had to open them all. Not fun! 

5. Start baking things you can freeze

Bread and un-iced cookies can be made in advance and put in the freezer. This is the time of year we have a lot of unexpected visitors, so it is a good idea to have at hand. It will also make a great present if you get an unexpected gift.

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